Operation Christmas Child

Gulf to Lake Church started doing Operation Christmas Child in 2020 and is growing every year with your help and support! We collect donations and order in all the products needed to fill our boxes.
There are also group leaders that head up craft projects for the boxes. This includes sewing, crocheting, painting little tops, making fishing kits and tic tac toe bags. If you are interested in being a part of this outreach, please contact Gwen Cook or Sandi Workman to make sure they have you on their email list, so you will stay informed year around of work parties, needs and packing parties. (Information of Project Leaders below)
The cost of a box is $25.00. This includes the content and shipping. Our goal for 2023 is 350 boxes! You can help now!
Did you know that Samaritan’s Purse partnered with Calvary to fill and deliver the very first shoeboxes to children in Bosnia in 1993? What a privilege to see how the Lord has grown the ministry and used it to share the Gospel with millions of children! Read the full article on the Samaritan’s Purse website.
We will be going to the Atlanta processing center December 2nd - 4th 2024! Would you like to join us? Details to come soon!
Check out this video
Gwen Cook 352-634-1725 ggcook928@gmail.com & Sandi Workman 352-302-8442 Rnsracing@mindspring.com